Tuesday 29 April 2014

Treadmill Advantages and Disadvantages

Treadmill is a fitness device used for walking, running and jogging exercises. In previous times mill is operated by a person and animal to grind grain and also used as punishment devices for all people sentenced to hard labour work in prisons. It provides a moving platform to with a wide conveyor belt driven by an electric AC and DC motor. Advantages and disadvantages of treadmill are mention below -

Advantages of Treadmill -

Enable the user to do exercise in any kind of weather.

User is able to see TV and listen sweet audio music while exercising.

User can easily evaluate himself in terms of tracking distance, burnt calories and heart beat.

Automatic and mannual incline setting help users to save space to preserve.

After using them a ill person also able to maintain the health consistancy.

Disadvantages of Treadmill -

Some people develop bad habits and unable to win awards in outdoor tournaments.

Players are unable to inhale fresh oxygen due to unavailability of plugin points.

May cause injury if not used in properly.

Maintenance charge, purchase and electrical costs are greater than running on race track.

Thursday 3 April 2014

Yonex Badminton Racquet Sports Brand Preferable

Badminton is the popular game to maintain body fitness for everybody. It transfers energy and freshness to the human body. There are many brands available in the market for purchasing badminton racquet. But, out of them Yonex is the most preferable brand. It maintains ample collection of Yonex Badminton Racquet for all junior, senior and adult level.

Yonex has started manufacturing since 1957 and consistently perform the major business in the field of many sports commercial goods like Badminton, Tennis and Golf. The basic valid reason behind its success is that it provides multiple graphics, design and styles with perfect quality and nice warranty. It always takes care of the customer satisfaction.